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What is Library and Information Science Course: Learn How to Organize, Preserve, and Access Informat

The ability to manage ever-growing information available to us has led to new opportunities for those who want to work in the rapidly growing library and information science field. The Master of Library and Information Science program prepares graduate students for a rewarding career related to collecting, classifying, storing, retrieving, and disseminating recorded knowledge.

what is library and information science course

Students may tailor their degree programs to their own professional needs and interests by selecting courses from a robust catalog of electives. Like all MS students, DYO students must complete 9 credit hours (3 courses) of core coursework in information organization, information services, and technology. DYO students may then work with a faculty advisor to select 27 credit hours (9 courses) of elective courses in areas of professional interest including youth services, reference and information services, public librarianship, management and leadership, and information organization.

LIS students may choose to focus their studies by following a degree concentration curriculum designed to prepare students to work in a variety of information institutions with a diversity of materials and tools. Students who choose to concentrate their studies must complete the LIS core courses required of all MS students as well as a sequence of courses required to earn the degree concentration.

Students may complete the master of science degree program in library and information science fully online. Students may choose the DYO (Design Your Own) option, and customize their degree program to reflect their professional goals. Or, they may choose to concentrate their studies in archives management or information science and technology.

Library and information science(s) or studies (LIS)[1][2] is an interdisciplinary field of study that deals generally with organization, access, collection, and protection/regulation of information, whether in physical (e.g. art, legal proceedings, etc.) or digital forms.

In spite of various trends to merge the two fields, some consider the two original disciplines, library science and information science, to be separate.[3][4] However, it is common today to use the terms synonymously or to drop the term "library" and to speak about information departments or I-schools.[5] There have also been attempts to revive the concept of documentation and to speak of Library, information and documentation studies (or science).[6]

By the late 1960s, mainly due to the meteoric rise of human computing power and the new academic disciplines formed therefrom, academic institutions began to add the term "information science" to their names. The first school to do this was at the University of Pittsburgh in 1964.[7] More schools followed during the 1970s and 1980s, and by the 1990s almost all library schools in the USA had added information science to their names. Although there are exceptions, similar developments have taken place in other parts of the world. In Denmark, for example, the 'Royal School of Librarianship' changed its English name to The Royal School of Library and Information Science in 1997.

The common ground between library science and information science, which is a strong one, is in the sharing of their social role and in their general concern with the problems of effective utilization of graphic records. But there are also very significant differences in several critical respects, among them in: (1) selection of problems addressed and in the way they were defined; (2) theoretical questions asked and frameworks established;(3) the nature and degree of experimentation and empirical development and the resulting practical knowledge/competencies derived; (4) tools and approaches used; and (5) the nature and strength of interdisciplinary relations established and the dependence of the progress and evolution of interdisciplinary approaches. All of these differences warrant the conclusion that librarianship and information science are two different fields in a strong interdisciplinary relation, rather than one and the same field, or one being a special case of the other.

It should be considered that information science grew out of documentation science and therefore has a tradition for considering scientific and scholarly communication, bibliographic databases, subject knowledge and terminology etc. Library science, on the other hand has mostly concentrated on libraries and their internal processes and best practices.[citation needed] It is also relevant to consider that information science used to be done by scientists, while librarianship has been split between public libraries and scholarly research libraries. Library schools have mainly educated librarians for public libraries and not shown much interest in scientific communication and documentation. When information scientists from 1964 entered library schools, they brought with them competencies in relation to information retrieval in subject databases, including concepts such as recall and precision, boolean search techniques, query formulation and related issues. Subject bibliographic databases and citation indexes provided a major step forward in information dissemination - and also in the curriculum at library schools.

Julian Warner (2010)[8] suggests that the information and computer science tradition in information retrieval may broadly be characterized as query transformation, with the query articulated verbally by the user in advance of searching and then transformed by a system into a set of records. From librarianship and indexing, on the other hand, has been an implicit stress on selection power enabling the user to make relevant selections.

What is described here is a view of social fields as dynamic and changing. Library and information science is viewed as a field that started as a multidisciplinary field based on literature, psychology, sociology, management, computer science etc., which is developing towards an academic discipline in its own right. However, the following quote seems to indicate that LIS is actually developing in the opposite direction:

A more recent study revealed that 31% of the papers published in 31 LIS journals from 2007 through 2012 were by authors in academic departments of library and information science (i.e., those offering degree programs accredited by the American Library Association or similar professional organizations in other countries). Faculty in departments of computer science (10%), management (10%), communication (3%), the other social sciences (9%), and the other natural sciences (7%) were also represented. Nearly one-quarter of the papers in the 31 journals were by practicing librarians, and 6% were by others in non-academic (e.g., corporate) positions.[11]

Meho & Spurgin (2005)[15] found that in a list of 2,625 items published between 1982 and 2002 by 68 faculty members of 18 schools of library and information science, only 10 databases provided significant coverage of the LIS literature. Results also show that restricting the data sources to one, two, or even three databases leads to inaccurate rankings and erroneous conclusions. Because no database provides comprehensive coverage of the LIS literature, researchers must rely on a wide range of disciplinary and multidisciplinary databases for ranking and other research purposes. Even when the nine most comprehensive databases in LIS was searched and combined, 27.0% (or 710 of 2,635) of the publications remain not found.

"Note that the promiscuous term information does not appear in the above statement circumscribing the field's central concerns: The detrimental effects of the ambiguity this term provokes are discussed above (Part III). Furner [Furner 2004, 427] has shown that discourse in the field is improved where specific terms are utilized in place of the i-word for specific senses of that term." (Konrad, 2007, p. 661).

Michael Buckland wrote: "Educational programs in library, information and documentation are concerned with what people know, are not limited to technology, and require wide-ranging expertise. They differ fundamentally and importantly from computer science programs and from the information systems programs found in business schools.".[17]

An advertisement for a full Professor in information science at the Royal School of Library and Information Science, spring 2011, provides one view of which subdisciplines are well-established:[29] "The research and teaching/supervision must be within some (and at least one) of these well-established information science areas

There is often an overlap between these subfields of LIS and other fields of study. Most information retrieval research, for example, belongs to computer science. Knowledge management is considered a subfield of management or organizational studies.[35]

Wayne State University's MLIS degree has been accredited by the American Library Association since 1967. ALA accreditation is the gold standard for library and information science education in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.

The Certificate in Library and Information Science is designed to provide students with an understanding of the methods and means of gathering, organizing, and disseminating information. The certificate is appropriate for any students who wish to gain a greater understanding of the field of library and information science without completing an undergraduate minor and/or non-matriculated students already employed as a library paraprofessional.

LIS 201 Foundations of Library and Information Science (3) Introductory course explores the role of libraries, types of libraries and services provided, areas of work within the profession, library ethics, and professional networks.

LIS 245 Research Methods in the Digital Age (4) This course examines methods of information gathering and sharing in academic and social environments. Students explore applications of the research process, learn strategies for identifying and synthesizing information, and discuss research influences on scholarly conversations. Formerly LIS 345, students may not receive credit for both. Course will be offered every year (Fall, Winter, and Spring). 2ff7e9595c

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