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Ljeto U Zlatnoj Dolini

Summer in the Golden Valley (Bosnian: Ljeto u zlatnoj dolini) is a 2003 Bosnian film by Srđan Vuletić, produced by Ademir Kenović. The movie is about a 16-year-old boy who has to repay his dead father's debt. In order to collect money, his friend and he get involved in Sarajevo's underground crime.

ljeto u zlatnoj dolini

Ljeto u zlatnoj dolini je bosanskohercegovačko-francusko-britanski igrani film iz 2003. godine koji je režirao Srđan Vuletić, a producirao Ademir Kenović. Muziku za film je radio Edo Maajka. Film govori o šesnaestogodišnjaku koji mora vratiti dug, pošto mu je otac umro. Nastojeći da sakupi novac, on i njegov prijatelj bivaju uvučeni u sarajevsku kriminalnu mrežu.

Kako izvještava Oslobođenje, projekciji su prisustvovali predstavnici bh. medija, članovi filmske ekipe i dio producentskog tima. Snimanje filma Ljeto u zlatnoj dolini počelo je polovinom novembra prošle godine, a završeno je početkom ove godine.

I have compensated for my inadequacies as an artist (or the fact that I am not one) by helping others. Sarajevo has a population of around 400,000 people, smaller than San Francisco. However, it is a factory of talent. The music, film, theatre, and art scene never ceases to amaze me. Perhaps it has something to do with the collective memory of its sometimes painful and trying past, I don't know. Sarajevo was always sort of the Yugoslav capital for music and film. But the cultural renaissance born in the latter years of the war that lasted from 1992-1995 has resulted in yet another boom, with its artist becoming world renowned in all genres. Danis Tanovic won the Oscar in 2003. Jasmila Zbanic won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival in 2007. Dubioza Kolektiv won the MTV best band awards in 2011. Aida Begic's two films both found their way to Cannes and awards there. Ademir Kenovic, Pjer Zalica's Gore Vatra, Srdan Vuletic's Ljeto u zlatnoj dolini, are all internationally recognized film makers. Haris Pasovic's East West Center has performed at the world's most prestigious theatre festivals like Edinburgh and Singapore. The list really goes on. And even those who haven't achieved world acclaim can, at the very least, boast that their work and creativity make Sarajevo a great place to be.

Almedin Leleta: Almedin Leleta. Actor: The Perfect Circle. Almedin Leleta was born in 1987 in Trebecajl, kraj Trnovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is an actor, known for The Perfect Circle (1997), Ljeto u zlatnoj dolini (2003) and The Border Post (2006). 2ff7e9595c

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