1. Given below is the beginning of a story. Complete it in about80 words. Ravi was travelling by train. Suddenly the train stoppedand some strange looking men entered the compartment and 2. You arePoorvi/Purab living at 512, Galaxy Apartments, Bangalore. Municipalelections in the city are a cause of noise pollution in the city.There is noise of loud speakers everywhere. Write a letter to theEditor of The Times, M.G Road, Bangalore to draw the attention ofthe public and the persons involved in this practice. Also giveyour suggestions to avoid this kind of situation. Word limit 120words 3. You are Rohit/Rashi, Head Boy/Head Girl of Indian NationalSchool. Draft a notice for school notice board informing studentsabout poster making competition on Mothers Day in your school. Giveall the necessary details of the contest and invite them toparticipate 4. Read chapter 1-12 from the novel Three Men In A BoatClass IX --- Maths
dawood public school summer vacation homework